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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

Second International Conference on New Pathways for a Just and Inclusive Energy Transition: Connecting Multiple Stakeholders and Levels

From:Tu 20-06-2023
Until:We 21-06-2023
Where:University of Groningen, the Netherlands

You are cordially invited to the second international conference on New Pathways organised by the University of Groningen in collaboration with Hanze University of Applied Sciences.

After the successful first international conference on New Pathways in 2019, we are organising this one with a focus on linking different stakeholders and levels. The theme of the conference is to explore new pathways for connecting actors, levels of governance, institutions, and technical domains, to achieve energy transition.

With a line-up of guest speakers from industry, academia, and policy, we offer an interesting opportunity for our attendees to listen to different perspectives on energy transition.

Logo New Pathways
International Conference on New Pathways

View the logo's of all partner organisations IREES, New Energy Coalition , Hanze University , Wubbo Ockels School below:

Logo's partnerorganisations
Logo's partner organisations
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