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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

PhD ceremony: Mass and half-life measurements of neutron-deficient isotopes with A~100 and developments for the FRS Ion Catcher and CISE | A. (Ali) Mollaebrahimi

When:Fr 09-04-2021 14:30 - 15:30
Where:Academy building and live stream


PhD ceremony: A. (Ali) Mollaebrahimi, MSc
When: April 09, 2021
Start: 14:30
Supervisor: prof. dr. N. (Nasser) Kalantar-Nayestanaki
Co-supervisor: dr. T. Dickel
Where: Academy building RUG
Faculty: Science and Engineering
Research Institute: Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen (ESRIG)
Research Group: Nuclear Energy


The goal of this thesis was to develop new methods to study the nuclear structure for A~100 neutron-deficient isotopes by means of half-life and mass measurements. The thesis is divided into three main sub-projects. First, the initial developments of the CISE setup for chemical isobaric separation of ions. Second, the developments in the gas-handling system of the Cryogenic Stopping Cell (CSC) of the FRS-IC setup. Third, half-life and mass measurements of medium-heavy and heavy nuclei by using MR-TOF-MS technique at the FRS-IC setup.

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