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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

ESRIG-EES colloquium: Stijn van Rijn and Leo Haaksman, MSc EES students

When:Tu 18-02-2020 16:00 - 17:00
Where:5159.0110, Nijenborgh 6 (Energy Academy)
Speaker |  Stijn van Rijn, Msc EES student.

Supervisors | Uli Dusek and Bert Scheeren (CIO).

Title | Designing and calibrating an aerosol measurement infrastructure in Lutjewad.

Summary | In this thesis an aerosol measurement infrastructure is designed for the Lutjewad station of atmospheric research. This infrastructure must constantly sample air from 20 meters height and transport the sample to the ground level. After an subsampling, the sample is transported through a sample pipe and a manifold to three measurement devices: a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer, a Cloud Condensation Nuclei Counter and an Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor. Using theoretical equations of aerosol transport efficiency, a model is built to calculate the transport efficiency in the inlet as a result of particle loss due to diffusion, gravitational settling, impaction and isokinetic sampling. The particle transport efficiency from the sample pipe is also tested experimentally, focussing on losses due to diffusion. The actual aerosol transport efficiency was slightly lower compared to the theoretical values from the model. Since the model describes a perfect system, it represents the maximum theoretical efficiency. The lower aerosol transport efficiency was expected, for the inlet in reality in not perfect. A proper calibration with the entire infrastructure is advised for the future.  

Speaker | Leo Haaksman, MSc EES student.

Title | The Danish transition as a guideline for the Netherlands in adopting district heating?

Summary | The Dutch government has set itself the goal to be natural gas-free in 2050. This goal would result in a transition of the Dutch heating regime from its current natural gas focus to alternatives. One of the options presenting itself as an alternative is district heating. Within Europe, Denmark is one of the nations in which district heating as technology found a place to grow and develop. The early transition in Denmark from coal and oil towards district heating could be a place to look at as a frontrunner and example for the Dutch transition. Therefore it is interesting to see what can be learned from the Danish transition, taking into account the specific Dutch context?

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