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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

ESRIG-EES colloquium: Sándor Kruse and Sadaf Shoohanizad, MSc EES students

When:Tu 25-02-2020 16:00 - 17:15
Where:5159.0110, Nijenborgh 6 (Energy Academy)

Speaker | Sándor Kruse, MSc EES student.

Supervisors | Prof. dr. ir. J.M.A. (Jacquelien) Scherpen (IEM), Dr. R.M.J. (René) Benders (IVEM), Dr. M. (Michele) Cucuzella (IEM).

Title | The potential of solar carports in an AC/DC hybrid microgrid.

Summary | Over the past years the concept of hybrid microgrids has become more and more interesting. The implementation of this type of configuration presents several advantages to generate local power and to supply local demand. This research is, therefore, focused on the design of a hybrid microgrid of which a solar carport is part of. An average Dutch office building is taken as a reference. A solar covered parking lot, a battery, and electric vehicles are considered to be present on the DC side of the microgrid, and a load and grid connection on the AC side. A two-level control strategy is proposed to control the hybrid microgrid with the objective to minimize the power exchange with the utility grid. Consequently, simulations have been conducted to test the individual control layers as well as the two-level control strategy. Finally, the hybrid microgrid is compared with four alternative configurations, ranging from only a local load and the load induced by the EVs to a solar carport connected to the local load. Based on the results, it can be stated that the hybrid microgrid can reduce the dependency on the grid significantly as well as improve the coordination of meeting local demand with local supply.

Speaker | Sadaf Shoohanizad, MSc EES student.

Supervisors | Frank Pierie and Tjerk Lap (IVEM).

Title | To what extent can nitrogen emissions be mitigated on dairy farms: A case study using a symbiotic approach.

Summary | Nitrogen makes up 79% of atmospheric air, however, the reactive compounds of this element, i.e. ammonia and nitrous oxide adversely affect different forms of life on Earth and have concerned humans in the past few decades. Around 86% of NH3 and 70% of N2O emissions in the Netherlands come from agricultural activities. Since the most recent approach of the Netherlands to reduce nitrogen emissions (PAS) has proven to be ineffective, new strategies need to be applied in order to overcome the problem of nitrogen. In this project, initially the processes in a dairy farm that lead to N emissions will be identified, followed by the assessment of mitigation strategies that can be applied in dairy farms and their potential in overcoming the problem of nitrogen.

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