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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

ESRIG-EES colloquium: Alberto Goudinho, MSc EES student

When:Tu 14-01-2020 16:00 - 16:30
Where:5159.0114, Nijenborgh 6 (Energy Academy)

Speaker: Alberto Goudinho, MSc EES student

Title: Sustainable use of Cashew waste in Mozambique

Mozambique is a developing country in Southeast Africa that generates its primary source of income through agriculture. Cashew currently has the highest contribution to the country's GDP when compared to any other agricultural crop. Cashew is mostly cultivated for its nut, which has a high market value. However, during the processing of cashew, lots of residues are generated. Currently, the residue is disposed of by being burned at open spots, preferably away from communities. The presence of harmful acids in the residue is the main reason for such practice, which also prevents the residue from being used as energy. Firewood and charcoal are the primary forms of energy being used in rural and urban communities, respectively. Charcoal is considered one of the leading causes of deforestation and forest degradation in Mozambique. With Mozambique aiming to increase its cashew production, we see an opportunity to explore uses for the waste stream. Therefore, in this research, we investigate the sustainable use of cashew residues. The study looks at how much energy can be generated out of it, understanding how it can contribute to reducing deforestation and forest degradation, and how to reduce the pollution generated by the current burning practice.

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