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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

Energy Matchmaking Event

When:Tu 19-03-2019 13:00 - 17:00
Where:Energy Academy building, Nijenborgh 6, 5159.0029

For years, energy has been an important theme for our university to reach out to society and industry to collaborate towards a more sustainable future. Researchers across the University of Groningen (UG) have seen their research efforts rewarded with publications and funding. Well-attended international conferences have been organised with regional and international stakeholders. Yet, many feel there is still untapped potential for research projects with real societal impact in the field of energy. Looking at the growing number of researchers in this field, we think that this is the moment to gain momentum for a vibrant community of researchers concerned with many of the societal challenges that we face in the field of energy and climate change.

Therefore, on Tuesday 19th of March, GESP and The New Energy Coalition are organizing an Energy Matchmaking Event for researchers of the UG. The main aim of the event is to bring together researchers across disciplines that have an interest in the field of energy research and who seek collaboration in research towards the societal challenges associated with energy and climate change. During the event, we will offer insights in current energy-related research at the UG. Moreover, together we will explore areas and topics for (multidisciplinary) collaboration. The importance of this event is not the event itself. It is about you connecting and identifying the challenges that you care about. We know that once you make these connections, a new world of possibilities opens for collaborative research projects with real societal impact.

For more information about the programme and registration please visit the following webpage:

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