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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

ESRIG-EES colloquium: Robert van der Velde, Martijn Oudshoorn and Stamatis Diakakis, MSc EES students

When:Tu 07-05-2019 15:30 - 17:00
Where:5159.0110, Energy Academy, Nijenborgh 6

Title: Vortical Cross-Step Filtration in combination with Backpulsing - An experimental approach to create an efficient non-clogging solid-liquid separator using biomimetics

By: Robert van der Velde, MSc EES student.

Many industrial filtration systems suffer from clogging of the filters, urging the filtration process to be interrupted to replace or clean the filters, which is a waste of process time. In this experimental research a filtration system was designed using a biomimetic approach. A closer look is taken at filter‑feeding fish who are able to, through various mechanisms, filter out food particles without clogging their gill filters.

Two mechanisms, that of cross-step filtration and backpulsing, are tested in this experimental research. In order to do so, two filters were designed in SolidWorks and 3D printed. One filter was used to create a base with which the performances of the other filter, which included the alterations, could be compared.

Title: Household energy conservation tools and development of an easy-to-use RES development tool for LochemEnergie

By: Martijn Oudshoorn, MSc EES student.

LochemEnergie is an energy cooperative in the municipality of Lochem, and the company at which I performed my internship. Besides the two main assignments, I got involved in different tasks and aspects at LochemEnergie. During this colloquium, I will introduce you into the world of an energy cooperative, where I was able to combine my physics & energy and environmental science in a “real-life” working and social setting.

The first assignment I had, was to make a full comparison of energy conservation tools which are aimed towards the individual households. Such a tool should give insight into the investments of house-improvements, energy savings, pay-back times and CO2-e reductions. The two tools, with the highest potential, are still in the development phase, as such a full comparison couldn’t be made. One of the tools is developed by a private company and the other tools developed in a cooperative setting. Nevertheless, a recommendation was written which contains a requirement list and the preliminary advice regarding each specific tool.

For the second part of the assignment, I started with the development of a bottom-up and easy-to-use model, the Lochem Energy Mix Model (LEMM), for the energy consumption and demand of the municipality in Lochem, in order to aid the energy transition support and follow the development of the RES (Regional energy strategy). With the LEMM, one is able to quickly verify or build scenarios regarding the transition, with a focus 2030. In the current state of the model, the households sector has a quite advanced presence and according to this methodology, the model should be expanded for SMEs, Industry, Farmers, transport and rest-sectors within the municipality of Lochem.

Title: Carbon Capture and Storage potential of the Brazilian Parana basin

By: Stamatis Diakakis, MSc EES student.

The Paris Agreement aims at preserving the global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius until the end of this century. In order to achieve this, the atmospheric CO2 concentration has to be reduced and even reach sustainable levels. A critical method towards the latter is considered the Carbon Capture and Storage, where the CO2 emissions from the industrial and energy sectors are collected and injected in deep geological sinks.

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the potential of CO2 sequestration in the southern part of Brazil, the Parana basin, which is considered as the most industrially active part of the country. The potential sinks encompassed by the Parana basin, are ranked and assessed based on different criteria and storage capacities. Finally, the basin is inspected according to its contribution to the Brazilian CO2 emission reduction, in virtue of the Paris Agreement, until 2050.

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