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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

ESRIG-EES colloquium: Martijn Oudshoorn and Raveen Rijoh Johnson, MSc EES students

When:Tu 22-01-2019 16:00 - 16:30
Where:5159.0110, Energy Academy, Nijenborgh 6

Title: Mapping anthropogenic methane emissions in the Groningen area.

By: Martijn Oudshoorn, MSc EES student

Summary: In this thesis, a start is made with the mapping of methane (CH4) emissions in the municipality of Groningen and parts of the Province of Groningen. The focus was on urban areas and midstream natural gas infrastructure CH4 emissions, specifically to identify CH4 sources within the municipality, and to start with quantifying known CH4 emitters in the area. A mobile laboratory with a cavity ring-down spectrometer (Picarro Inc.) was set up to measure CH4 concentrations while driving around slowly in the city of Groningen and visiting known CH4 emitters in the province. A total of ten measurement days were executed, with three days in August, five days in September, and two days in October 2018. A list of facilities including one upstream gas facility, two midstream gas facilities, a sugar processing factory and digesters have been measured. The city of Groningen was measured twice. Overall, no major leaking gas pipes seem to be present within the city of Groningen, with the exception of a gas pipe that was under construction. It was discovered that an organic waste digester, not present in the Dutch inventories, is the largest CH¬¬4 emitter in the Groningen landfill area. A large range in emission rate was found (8.5-1440 CH4 g/s) for the biodigester. Outside the city, an underground natural gas storage with a capacity of 2 Gm3 has been measured. The emission rate was estimated to be within a range 10-21 CH4 g/s. The study shows that more work should be done to better quantify the emission rates. More plumes should be measured in a short amount of time to reduce the uncertainties due to atmospheric variabilities. This can be done by both in situ mobile van measurements and the deployment of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

Title: Environmental Analysis of Animo Coffee Machines

By: Raveen Rijoh Johnson, MSc EES student

Summary: Since last October, I’ve been doing my internship at Animo Coffee Machines and Equipment. Animo is responsible for manufacturing and distributing coffee machines to more than 75 countries worldwide. During my internship at Animo Coffee Machines and Equipment, I analysed the environmental impacts of their coffee machines by applying the LCA approach. As part of the LCA methodology, I used SimaPro to calculate the impacts of the different Animo coffee machines. Based on these results, measures to decrease the environmental impacts and improve the overall sustainability of Animo Coffee Machines and Equipment were proposed which will be discussed in this colloquium.

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