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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

ESRIG-EES colloquium: Joeri Vendrik and Sándor Kruse, MSc EES students

When:Tu 12-03-2019 15:00 - 16:30
Where:5159.0110, Energy Academy, Nijenborgh 6.

Title: Validation of the Dutch Greenhouse Gas Balance, based on observations from atmospheric measurement station Lutjewad.

By: Joeri Vendrik, MSc EES student.

In this research it is investigated whether it is possible to determine the Dutch emissions of the three main greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O) for the period 2006-2016 by making use of atmospheric data from measurement station Lutjewad and whether the emissions determined by this method validate the emissions determined by national inventories. The emissions are determined by making use of the Rn tracer method. Furthermore, for CO2 a distinction is made between anthropogenic and natural emissions by making use of Δ14C and CO as tracers. Atmospheric modelling is used to determine the source regions of the emissions.

It is concluded that this method is suitable to give reliable estimations of the annual emissions of CH4 and N2O. Furthermore, the estimated uncertainties of the annual emissions is lower compared to the uncertainties of the national inventories. Therefore, this method can contribute to better estimations of the emissions of CH4 and N2O. However, this method is not suitable for estimations of annual anthropogenic CO2 emissions. This is primarily caused by uncertainties of the FFCO2/dCO ratio. This ratio needs to be determined for individual events in order to be able to estimate the FFCO2 emissions more accurately.

Title: A solution to more efficient grid use by intermitted renewable energy sources: Applied to large-scale solar PV plants

By: Sándor Kruse, MSc EES student.

Currently, the growth of solar photovoltaics (PV) in the northern part of the Netherlands is being stalled due to grid capacity issues. The grid operators are planning to take expensive and slow to execute, grid reinforcement measures to tackle this. This research aims to find a solution to facilitate the growth of solar PV by dealing with the grid capacity issues in a different way. The motivation to do so finds its base in the details of the grid capacity issues. These issues are caused by the inefficient use of the hosting capacity of the grid. Solar PV plants are currently connected to the grid, mostly, at a connection capacity that equals the installed capacity of that plant. This capacity is, however, only reached during rare peaks in production. By dealing differently with these peaks, this research aims to investigate how and to what extent power curtailment, energy storage, and varying the tilt and orientation of solar panels can contribute to improving the efficiency of the hosting capacity use of the grid. Hereby, energy efficiency and costs were taken into account. Several scenarios that include the three different techniques were modeled to gain insight into the effects on the energy efficiency as well as on the costs. Consequently, individual and combinations of techniques that were considered financially feasible were modeled in scenarios to investigate whether they enabled more efficient grid use. The results showed that the potential installed capacity of solar PV that can be facilitated by the current electricity grid can even increase up to 75%. The scenarios that only include curtailment, result in significant costs savings as well as a reduction in total costs per kWh of electricity. More importantly, the scenarios can be implemented as a solution on short notice and enable the growth of solar PV to continue. If you would like to schedule a colloquium please contact:

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