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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

ESRIG-EES colloquium: Joeri Vendrik and Peerawat Payakkamas, MSc EES students

When:Tu 09-07-2019 16:00 - 17:00
Where:5159.0110, Energy Academy, Nijenborgh 6.

Title: Internship at Witteveen+Bos. Production and application of green hydrogen: applied to different case studies.

By: Joeri Vendrik, MSc EES student.

Hydrogen is widely regarded as an important element in the energy transition, since it can be used as both an energy carrier and feedstock for industrial and chemical processes. Hydrogen has high potential to serve as an alternative for fossil fuels, especially in the industry sector. Currently, hydrogen is primarily produced by using natural gas; a process at which carbon dioxide is emitted. To decarbonise the Dutch energy system, ‘gray’ hydrogen needs to be replaced with a sustainable alternative. This alternative is ‘green’ hydrogen, at which the hydrogen is produced by electrolysis of water with use of renewable energy sources, like wind or solar. At the moment, the production costs of green hydrogen are not competitive with the production costs of grey hydrogen yet. Therefore, it is too early for a large scale transition to green hydrogen. However, in some cases green hydrogen can be already be applied. This was the subject of my internship at Witteveen+Bos. During this internship, I worked on different projects related to green hydrogen production and application. For example, I worked on a project related to a green hydrogen hub in Deventer. Furthermore, I developed a tool to perform quick-scans for potential green hydrogen projects.

Title: Penetration of Rooftop PV in Thai Residential Sector: A System Dynamics Analysis.

By: Peerawat Payakkamas, MSc EES student.

With the advantageous geographical and climatic conditions, Thailand has an outstanding solar energy potential, especially in a form of electricity using photovoltaic (PV) technology. Having been aware of that, the Thai government introduced a number of energy-related plans, namely Thailand Power Development Plan 2015–2036 (PDP 2015) and Alternative Energy Development Plan (AEDP 2015), which anticipated 6 GW of nationwide PV installed capacity by the end of 2036. In contrast to the enthusiastic target, the country is still struggling to realize a widespread penetration of PV. In response to such concerns, the Thai government has been putting its hope on Feed-in Tariff (FiT) as a mean of persuading electricity consumers into adopting PV. While it is successful at enhancing nationwide, PV installation of commercial and utility scales, residential-scale installation still accounts for a negligible share, which leads to further doubt in regards to the effectiveness of the government’s sole focus on incentive building through financial measure as such.

A number of studies have identified the barriers of rooftop PV promotion in the Thai residential sector, many of which are in reference to the current policies, from both quantitative techno-economic and qualitative exploratory perspectives. They have also suggested looking at this energy transition challenge from the broader socio-technical and political perspectives. However, these studies have yet to investigate the underlying casual structures, multi-actor interactions and development of the two over the course of time, which contribute towards dynamic complexities of this energy transition challenge and are beyond the scope of the traditional econometric models. Having identified these scientific gaps, this study focuses on model-based exploration of the penetration of rooftop PV in the Thai residential sector using system dynamics analysis. Beyond the numerical results obtained from simulation, the study makes use of the developed system dynamics model to investigate the insights of this energy transition challenge and to come up with policy recommendations for the relevant stakeholders.

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