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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

ESRIG-EES colloquium: Eva Visser, ​MSc EC student​

When:Tu 02-07-2019 at 16:00
Where:5159.0110, Energy Academy, Nijenborgh 6

Title: Viability of the Dr. Ten Battery on farms.

By: Eva Visser MSc EC student.

Energy storage is an addition to the energy system that is recently getting more attention due to two changes in the energy landscape. Stimulated by environmental concerns there is a shift from centralized fossil-fuel based energy generation to distributed renewable energy production. The integration of the rapidly increasing distributed renewable electricity production will on the long-term have negative consequences for the electricity grid. Furthermore the subsidy on feed-in tariffs is changing which will make self-consumption more attractive. Both changes create a stimulating environment for energy storage. This research focusses on energy storage on residential and community scale. On these small scales batteries are a suitable storage technology.

This research compares the proven lithium-ion battery with the Dr. Ten battery which is still in its development phase. As a research case real life data of two farms are considered. The research examines the viability of the Dr. Ten battery on farms with a multi criteria decision analysis. Technical, economical, Socio-institutional and environmental aspects are considered and combined to form a final recommendation. The analysis of the farms, forms a basis for an outlook on the implementation of battery storage on a larger scale.

Supervisors: Henny van der Windt and Frank Pierie.

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