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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

ESRIG-EES colloquium: Eline Struik and Alberto Goudinho, MSc EES students

When:Tu 18-06-2019 16:00 - 17:00
Where:5159.0110, Energy Academy, Nijenborgh 6

Title: Profitability of an integrated North Sea grid for the Dutch electricity system, focused on grid reliability.

By: Eline Struik, MSc EES student.

In anticipation of the growing offshore wind capacity, much attention and effort has been devoted to the concept of an integrated offshore grid in the North Sea, which is an interconnected offshore grid combining cross-border links and connections of offshore wind farms to shore. Such an integrated grid would increase the security of supply by transport of large energy loads to balance electricity surpluses or deficits between countries. Yet, a transnational super grid is not commercially pursued. The high investments costs, project risks and uncertainties regarding the benefits lead to barriers towards integrated grid developments. This thesis has sought to provide insights into the profitability of such a grid for the Netherlands, with the focus on grid reliability. Four scenarios were investigated: a base case with radial connections to shore and three different integrated grid cases, two ring-structured and one star-structured. The four grid models were built using the power system modelling tool PLEXOS. Making use of this software, a reliability- and a market analysis were performed. Furthermore, the capital expenditures were estimated to be able to investigate if an integrated offshore grid would be profitable for the Netherlands by means of a cost-benefit analysis. The results indicate that a ring-structured integrated offshore grid would be a profitable option for the Dutch electricity grid. The reliability benefits of the integrated grid outweigh the additional investment costs. Furthermore, in an electricity system where curtailment is allowed, the locational marginal price of the electricity decreases when an integrated grid is constructed. However, the results should be interpreted with caution, since the outcomes are very sensitive to the assumptions made in this research. Due to these uncertainties, no conclusion could be drawn regarding the star-structured scenario. Although the construction of an integrated offshore grid seems profitable, various factors are impeding this process. The regulatory frameworks, including the institutionalisation of a fair allocation of costs and benefits, of the various North Sea countries should be adapted to facilitate the cost-efficient development of the grid.

Title: Electricity Outlook for Mozambique 2015-2030.

By: Alberto José Meta Goudinho, MSc EES student.

Around one billion people don’t have access to electricity in the world. Approximately 600 millions of them living in sub-Saharan Africa which corresponds to 57% of its population. Mozambique is a southern African country where only 26% of the 27 million inhabitants have access to electricity. In 2015 the United Nations announced the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The 7th SDG goal has the aim to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030. Mozambique is one of the 193 countries who ratified to the SDG’s and committed to achieving this goal. Added to that, the country committed to reduced cumulatively 67.2 Mton of CO2 up to 2030 due to Paris Agreement global warming reduction goals. However, Mozambique has no clear strategy on how to achieve the desired goal. This research looked into two electrification rates possibilities for Mozambique and the consequences for the electricity system. Further, with the help of an electricity modelling software POWERPLAN, five different scenarios were created to envision the future electricity generation mix. The environmental, technical, economic and social outcomes of the scenarios were analyzed and using multi-criteria analysis the most suitable scenario for the country was selected. Lastly, based on the most suitable scenario specific actions were advised for the different stakeholders.

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