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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

ESRIG-EES colloquium: Haoyne Deng and Arjan Zuidema, MSc EES students

When:Tu 26-03-2019 16:00 - 17:00
Where:5159.00110, Energy Academy, Nijenborgh 6

Title: The feasibility evaluation on Dutch biogas adoption: a case study of adopting biogas in Wadden Sea islands.

By: Haoyue Deng, MSc EES student.

The Dutch Wadden Sea islands are in desire of renewable energy sources to make Wadden region ‘carbon-neutral’. Cattle manure based biogas that produced in Friesland, as a renewable and sustainable energy fuel is proposed to be adopted in the islands.

In this research, the feasibility of biogas adoption in the Wadden Sea islands is evaluated by analyzing the energy balance between demand and supply and the sustainability of the adoption which refers to energy returned on energy invested, logistical implementation, environmental impact and valorization possibility.

Title: Frisian greenhouse gas emission policy.

By: Arjan Zuidema, MSc EES student.

The regional level of provinces is responsible for spatial planning, therefore provinces are important for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission-reducing policy. By doing spatial planning regionally, policy can be adjusted to the local circumstances. This study researched the GHG emission policy for the rural province of Friesland. It is evaluated if the current policies in Friesland are enough to reach the Paris agreement target of 95% reduction.

Current policy produced by Friesland focusses on energy-related GHG emissions. Important is the target of a fossil-fuel free Friesland by 2050. Policy for GHG emissions from biogenic sources (produced by living organisms) are minimally discussed in these policy documents. A data-analysis of current GHG emissions of Friesland shows that most emissions are attributed to the predominately-biogenic sectors: agriculture and landuse, nature & forestry. While nationally only 17% of the GHG emissions are attributed to these sectors, Friesland has 60% of its GHG emissions attributed to these sectors.

This mismatch of GHG emission policy and the GHG emissions itself is further analyzed in a quantitative scenario analysis in the regional emission model (REM). GHG emissions are calculated for three end-scenarios: BAU, PLUS and 95% reduction. Both current policy (BAU) and doubled targets for emission reduction (PLUS) are not enough to reduce emissions by the Paris agreement target. The third scenario includes drastic measures to reduce GHG emissions by 95%. A sociopolitical assessment is conducted by interviewing five stakeholders representing the major parties in Friesland. Willingness of discussed biogenic GHG emission reducing policies were lower than energy-related GHG emissions. Compensation for loss of income and public opinion of technologies came forward as major conflicting interests.

Policies and targets show promise to the ability of Friesland to eliminate energy-related GHG emissions by 2050. However, major challenges are found in reducing biogenic GHG emissions.

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