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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

ESRIG-EES colloquium: Ana Cassanti, Cleo Offers and Joris Kee, MSc EES students

When:Tu 26-02-2019 15:30 - 17:00
Where:5159.0110, Energy Academy, Nijenborgh 6

Title: Future energy crops in Brazil: An analysis of the impact of climate change on rainfall and agriculture in Brazil

By: Ana Cassanti, MSc EES student.

Climate change is a topic of extreme importance and it has been leading to several studies in which consider the possible changes that it may cause in the society and how to overcome those changes. In 2015, 195 countries signed the Paris agreement in which they committed to help in the reduction of the global temperature. To be able to reach this reduction, changes are needed, such as in consumption patterns, deforestation, change in the energy mix, etc.

In relation to the energy mix, it changes considerably per country. Brazil is an interesting case, once that 82% of it comes from renewables (especially hydro e biomass). However, even hydro representing the highest share of renewables in the actual energy mix, it is considered as an unstable one to increase in the future due to social and environmental factors related to this. Studies point out that bioenergy is one of the best choices for the country. Therefore, the aim of the study is to estimate the availability of crops in 2050 that can be used as an energy source in Brazil, regarding possible changes in the rainfall patterns due to climate change. The Method of the Soil Water Balance is used, by means of an excel model in which it is analyzed the availability of water in the soil (ARM) considering four types of crops (rice, sugarcane, maize, and soybeans), in the five Brazilian Macro-Regions (North, Northeast, Mideast, Southeast, and South) and three types of soil (sandy, medium and clay texture).

This study consists of three different steps that are codependent. First, Observational Analysis 1 assesses the correlation between the yields and the availability of water in the soil (ARM) during the growing season of the crop. Secondly, in case of a significant correlation between yields and ARM in Observational Analysis 1, a second-step analysis (Observational Analysis 2) was conducted to study the overall production of the crop, by verifying all the states producers (both analyses are from 1997-2017).

To finish, a Future Scenarios Analysis (2018-2050) is carried out for the same set of crops, and the regions that showed a significant correlation in the previous analyses. The main output of this analysis is a projection of the future yields of the significant crops in the significant regions, by using projections regarding rainfall patterns in the future.

Title: Slurry manure injection: need for alternatives? Emissions and effect on soil quality of slurry-manure products.

By: Cleo Offers, MSc EES student.

From October to February I did an internship at Bioclear earth with the assignment to investigate the effects of dairy slurry manure injection on soil quality. During this colloquium an overview of the effects of dairy slurry manure injection on soil quality is given, as well for field-application of dairy slurry manure products. Additionally, an estimation of (direct) emissions of ammonia, nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide, which occur during production and field-application of the manure products, is presented. A qualitative analysis shows how slurry manure products score on soil quality indicators, emissions and nutrient preservation.

Title: The search for a more sustainable heating system for Soprema.

By: Joris Kee, MSc EES student.

Natural gas usage in the Netherlands is getting more under pressure every year. The reduction of gas supply from the Groningen Gas field and the increase of other renewable sources direct our conventional source of heat towards other solutions. For this research the current gas-fired heating system of a bitumen roof coating factory (Soprema) is analyzed, and the alternative heating systems for gas are considered (i.e. Biomass, Electrification, Hydrogen etc.). This is done by a Multi Criteria Decision Analysis, where the alternatives are judged on criteria based on the company’s interest, and the most suiting system is considered the result. The ‘winning’ system is further analyzed in a short business case to address future possible steps for the company.

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