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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

Physics Colloquium: Wouter Peters, Centre for Isotope Research / ESRIG

When:Th 08-02-2018 16:00 - 17:00
Where:FSE-Building 5111.0080, Nijenborgh 4

Speaker: Wouter Peters
Centre for Isotope Research
Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen
University of Groningen, The Netherland
Title: New atmospheric constraints on terrestrial carbon cycling
Date: 8 February 2018
Start: 16:00 (Doors open and coffee available at 15:30)
Location: FSE-Building 5111.0080
Host: U. Dusek


The exchange of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere, terrestrial biosphere, and oceans is not in steady-state, as the atmospheric CO₂ concentrations continue to be driven upwards by ongoing fossil fuel emissions. Understanding the magnitude, direction, and mechanisms driving this CO₂ exchange is of great value, as it helps us incorporate the transient response of the different carbon reservoirs in climate simulations. We use highly accurate long-term measurements of CO₂ and its isotopes (13C, 14C, 17O, 18O) to study carbon exchange across the globe, with special emphasis on “hot-spot’ regions such as the tropics. I will present our recent efforts to investigate the Brazilian rainforest in the ERC project “ASICA”, which stands for “Airborne Stable Isotopes of Carbon Dioxide from the Amazon”. I will demonstrate the use of our novel measurements in the CarbonTracker data assimilation system for carbon dioxide, and show how its results can shine new light on current climate modeling efforts for the IPCC.

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