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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

ESRIG-EES colloquium: Wahab Siyal, PhD student at IVEM

When:Tu 03-07-2018 16:00 - 17:00
Where:5159.0010, Energy Academy, Nijenborgh 6

Title: Water-Energy Nexus in the Indus basin: An overview of water-energy relationships due to human-induced changes in the water systems

How is water scarcity related towards energy demand and what are the dynamics of water and energy in the Indus basin of Pakistan? As great complexities and uncertainties are involved in current and future water-energy needs, while our poor understanding towards various human-induced impacts and natural dynamics and their implications translating intra-sectoral level are still to be addressed. Current emerging driving forces like climate and socio-economic change are potential challenges for the sustainability of water and energy. The interrelationship, connection, and interdependence of supply and demand for water and energy, commonly known as water-energy nexus, recently have been emerged as the hot topic among scientific community. In developing countries, the situation of water and energy sustainability, visibly exacerbated uncertainties at system level due to lack of appropriate technological, social and economic interference. There is lack of sufficient knowledge to understand and address missing links in water and energy interconnections and translating consequences and synergies with relation to current and future needs of the human being to achieve sustainability at the satisfactory level. This colloquium aims to explore and share current problems, inherent causes and implications within water-energy nexus, and feedback will help to refine research methods to fill gaps in knowledge in the subject.

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