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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

ESRIG-EES colloquium: Steijn van der Zwaag, MSc EES student

When:Tu 20-02-2018 16:00 - 16:45
Where:5159.0010 (Energy Academy Building, Nijenborgh 6)

Title: Large-scale Deployment of Solar Photovoltaics and Electric Cars: a Desired Scenario? An impact assessment on the electricity system of the province of Utrecht in 2030.

Renewable energy sources and sustainable transportation are on the rise. Remarkable growth of solar photovoltaics and battery electric vehicles are two important drivers in the rise of sustainable technologies. Are climate change mitigation goals in reach? It could be, however, new problems arise with these technologies as matching supply and demand in power systems becomes an issue. Because of its intermittency, solar PV is a relatively uncertain electricity production source. While battery electric vehicles keep on improving in efficiency and capacity and thereby increasing the electricity demand in power systems. What will be the impact of large-scale deployment of these technologies on power systems? And what influence could different charging strategies have on this impact? These two questions are studied in the province of Utrecht for the year 2030.

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