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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

ESRIG-EES colloquium: Raveen Rijoh Johnson and Freek Janssen, MSc EES students

When:Tu 04-09-2018 09:00 - 10:00
Where:5159.0110, Energy Academy, Nijenborgh 6

Title: Sustainability assessment of hand-cleaning systems in restrooms.

By: Raveen Rijoh Johnson, MSc EES student.

Summary: Resources are the backbone of every economy. Due to increasing population and economic growth, the natural resources are being depleted at a faster rate. Thus the sustainable use of natural resources is the need of the hour. Though sustainability is a key factor in many organizations nowadays, it is difficult to measure the degree of sustainability. Thus, a triple-bottom-line concept (environment, economic and social aspects) is commonly used by organizations (implemented in the form of Corporate Social Responsibility) nowadays to measure sustainability. Since sustainability is considered one of the core values of the University of Groningen, the main goal of this research is to determine the sustainability of commonly used hand washing and hand drying (collectively called “hand cleaning”) systems in order to install the most sustainable hand cleaning system in the University of Groningen restrooms. This research will focus on the environmental impacts, cost analysis and social aspects of the hand cleaning systems, as part of assessing its sustainability. These results will be helpful in improving the sustainability rankings of the University of Groningen.

Title: Nexus between cycling and reciprocity in network analyses.

By: Freek Janssen, MSc EES student.

Summary: During the summer, I did my internship at IIASA, (International Institute for Applied System Analysis, Laxenburg (Austria)). I've been working on the nexus between cycling in a network and the reciprocity (mutuality between nodes). In this theoretical study, I used Matlab and Mathematica to calculate different measures of the networks. We used the Finn Cycling Index (FCI), which is originally used in ecological systems, to calculate the cycling in a network. Furthermore, we calculate the (binary) reciprocity and connectivity of several economic networks, food webs and several Input/Output Tables. In this presentation, I will explain the methods we used, where after I will present the main results.
Supervisor: Franco Ruzzenenti

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