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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

ESRIG-EES colloquium: Liza Nagy and Paul Noteboom, MSc EES students

When:Tu 19-06-2018 16:00 - 17:00
Where:5159.0010 (Energy Academy Building, Nijenborgh 6)

Speaker: Liza Nagy, MSc EES student

Title: Sustainable development in Hungary: Technical and socio-political analysis of the future Hungarian electricity system in 2020, 2030 and 2050.

Hungary was among the first European Union member states, who ratified the Paris Agreement which will play a decisive role in the fight against climate change. The European Union set aims until 2020, 2030 and 2050 to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emission and to increase the renewable share in energy consumption.

Significant part of the Hungarian power plant system has to be decommissioned or considerably refurbished until 2030 as a consequence of the obsolete capacities. The largest electricity producing nuclear power plant (Paks) will be completely closed until 2037. New nuclear units have been introduced and be built in 2025 and 2026 to replace the absent capacities in the future. The current dominating nuclear and coal-based electricity system is heavily depending on import electricity, while renewable energy sources taking small share of the gross consumption. In consideration with the Hungarian power system issues, this research discusses the feasibility of the renewable share and GHG reduction targets. Through on electricity scenarios the possible future compositions will be discussed. Besides electricity mix scenarios, the current energy policy and its impacts on future electricity system changes and developments will be examined.

Can the Hungarian electricity system fulfill the European targets? Are the new nuclear capacities creating 'path dependency' for the country? This research among others, will answer these questions and will give a deeper insight to the Hungarian electricity system.

Speaker: Paul Noteboom, MSc EES student

Title: The implications on consumers and grid operators of renewing the heating systems in households, the effects on local grid loads considering storage or local trading options, to decrease these problems from a bottom up perspective.

There is a need to lower the CO2 emissions collectively. The Dutch housing sector still uses a lot of energy, especially for heating purposes. Although there is a lot of potential to lower CO2 emissions by implementing changes to this sector, a lot of different factors make this a complex endeavour.

This research will investigate the potential of alterations on the lowest level, the household level on grid stability, CO2 and costs. To investigate these two heating systems (air sourced heat pump (HP) and a Stirling combined heat and power (CHP)) are being investigated and the potential of combining these with two types of storage mediums (electric and thermal). A model has been constructed that simulates an household on an hourly basis. Real data of 5 households from the Flexigrow project have been used to create the energy streams for this model. The model simulates the energy flows and the effects of adding solar panels (PV) and/or an specific type and size of energy storage. The HP cause a general higher consumption load on the grid than the CHP, this is to be expected. The combination of CHP and PV can cause an overload on the weak grid by producing too much electricity. Adding electrical storage to an HP heating system has the most potential to peak shave and prevent grid overload. The outcomes are representative of a well-insulated house in a neighborhood with an older one phase electricity connection (5.75kW per house). In the case of a higher-capacity grid (such as in Meerstad, 17.25kW per house) no problems occur. Both heating systems increased the severity of the duck curve when in combination with solar panels. A combination of CHP and HP in an neighborhood in combination with smart trading has a lot of potential to lower electricity grid stress even without storage. However, without storage there will be an increase in time specific spikes of consumption and production.

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