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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

ESRIG-EES colloquium: Joep Heusschen and Jezabel Alejandra Ramírez Cardoso, MSc EES students

When:Tu 25-09-2018 16:00 - 17:00
Where:5159.0110, Energy Academy, Nijenborgh 6

Title: The identification of key success factors of an internal carbon fee

By: Joep Heusschen, MSc EES student

Internal Carbon Feeing (ICF) is gaining traction as transition tool for companies to a low-carbon economic system. ING Bank is one of the companies considering ICF implementation and wants to determine the crucial factors that facilitate a successful implementation. This research aims at identification of these key success factors (KSFs) of an ICF implementation.

The research identified the three main KSFs in both pre-implementation and post-implementation of an internal carbon fee at eight companies. The drawing of extensive conclusions from this research is limited by both the sample group size and lack of applicable comparison (performance) metric. It incites many leads for further research though. The definition and perception of success of ICF should be further investigated, as well as its relation to drivers and initially set targets. Also the development of KSFs over time should be further researched, whether it is sole ignorance or an actual development of perception.

Title: Wind power in Mexico - A technical and social assessment of wind resource in the State of Puebla

By: Jezabel Alejandra Ramírez Cardoso, MSc EES student

Mexico has a large potential of renewable sources due to its privileged geographic location, and variety of climates across the national territory. The current energy mix is mainly based on fossil fuels 71% (52.5 GW), renewable sources 25.3% (18.7 GW), and other clean energies 3.7% (2.7 GW) (SENER, 2017). A target of 35% electricity production from clean energies is expected by 2024 (SENER, 2016).

The wind power installed capacity in 2016 (3.7 GW) is expected to increase about 5 times in 2031 (17.2 GW) (SENER, 2017), but this renewable source encounters major challenges in the country.

Wind potential in the Northern region of Mexico, Oaxaca, Baja California, Peninsula de Yucatan, and Veracruz has been studied already, and about 76.8% of the total wind installed capacity is concentrated in the state of Oaxaca. Thus, a complete evaluation on wind potential across the entire territory is necessary to deploy this source and distribute it uniformly. In addition, the rapid growth of wind energy in the country has generated social impacts that affect people directly or indirectly. The social conflicts are mainly due to insufficient public involvement, prior information and consultation with local and indigenous communities.

This research focuses on technical and social aspects of wind energy in Mexico, in particular for the state of Puebla. The first part of this study attempts to evaluate wind characteristics (wind speed and direction) with the aim to identify opportunities to develop this technology in the state. The second part intends to examine the social involvement and acceptability of wind projects through policy tools; to promote alternatives and improve the current status, approaching a balance among key actors and policy instrument. The main research question is: What regions could be potential sites for wind power development in the state of Puebla and how could social involvement and acceptability of this sustainable energy be improved in the Mexican power system?

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