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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

ESRIG-EES colloquium: Alejandro Loscos, MSc EES student

When:Tu 23-01-2018 16:00 - 17:00
Where:5159.0010 (Energy Academy Building, Nijenborgh 6)

Title: Future energy-mix scenarios in Spain: feasibility and impact of a higher electricity supply provided by renewable sources

In the last decades, a higher concern for air contamination has arisen within the society of many nations. In the European Union , efforts at mitigating this issue have been made by means of different environmental legislations, which aim to limit the emissions of pollutants to the atmosphere . At the same time, a higher use of renewable energy in the EU has been promoted since the 1970 oil crises . This combination of legislation has allowed the EU to move toward a less contaminating energy production . At a global scale, efforts at combating the climate change are being made through the Paris Agreement, which has been ratified by 168 parties so far . It came into effect on 4 November 2016 and intends, among other measures, to lower the CO2 emissions to the atmosphere.

Following the diferent legislations and future policies set by the European Union,
as well as the Paris Agreement, different scenarios have been designed and simulated using an interactive simulation of the electricty demand and production, in order to find a feasible evolution of the spanish energy-mix. The study spans from the present until 2050. The planning designed, along with the results obtained regarding environmental and economic aspects, will be presented.

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