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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

ESRIG-EES colloquium: Anne Beaulieu, Energysense

When:Tu 21-02-2017 16:00 - 17:00
Where:5159.0110 (Nijenborgh 6)

Speaker: Dr. J.A. (Anne) Beaulieu, Energysense
Title: Interfacing Energy: making energy use in the home visible


Energy is a domain in which data visualisations are especially prominent. In the context of an informational turn in the energy sector, there are increasing forms of interactions between actors that rely on visual presentation of data and graphic interfaces. In particular, visual communication and interactions between energy users, infrastructures (i.e. energy grids) and technologies in the home (smart washing machines, etc) are rapidly multiplying, in an effort to make energy ‘visible’ in everyday life.

In order to understand how energy is made visible, a common type of technology will be analysed, the “in-home display” (IHD) starting with forms commonly available in the Netherlands. The IND analysed are identified in the survey of energy use managers performed by millieu centraal.

The following dimensions will be used for analysis:

  • kind of information presented
  • kinds of interactions supported
  • roles for machines, people and infrastructures assumed by the displays
  • scripts for acting on the displayed information available to users
  • connection of devices for measurement and display
  • integration of IHD with devices (phones, tablets, pcs), the larger energy systems and actors

This analysis will help understand the role that these small technologies can play in mobilising households to play a role in the energy transition.

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