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Introducing our new scientific staff member Maryam Ghandchi Tehrani, Aletta Jacobs Chair

01 June 2021
prof. Maryam Ghandchi Tehrani
prof. Maryam Ghandchi Tehrani

We are very proud to announce that our new colleague, professor Maryam Ghandchi Tehrani, has been appointed an Aletta Jacobs Chair. This appointment is the first for the Faculty of Science and Engineering within the context of the Aletta Jacobs incentive fund. The purpose of this fund is to increase gender equality within the professor positions at the UG.

Per June 1, Maryam Ghandchi Tehrani will start as full professor in Engineering and Technology institute of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. At ENTEG she will set-up and chair a new unit Dynamics and Vibration. Her main research activities within this group focus on active vibration control, nonlinear dynamics and energy harvesting. She will develop novel control strategies to either suppress undesirable vibrations in engineering structures, or to enhance vibrations for energy harvesting. She also will extend the application of active control to other disciplines such as offshore engineering for vibration control of flexible risers and turbine blades. She will incorporate nonlinearities in the design of controllers to improve the vibration behaviour of structures and will work on advanced optical measurement techniques to obtain full 3D vibration data using high speed cameras for health monitoring and control purposes.

Maryam Ghandchi Tehrani has a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from the Iran University of Science and Technology (2002), an MSc in Engineering from the University of Liverpool (2004) where she also did her PhD (2007). After a postdoctoral research fellowship and lectureship at the University of Liverpool she as appointed as a lecturer in the field of active control in the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research at the University of Southampton in 2010. In 2017, she became an Associate Professor at Southampton. She was awarded several UK national and European grants, and was successful in securing industrial funds from Technology Welding Institutes, Jaguar-Landrover, Leonardo and Ultra Electronics. She has held visiting research positions at the University of Bergamo (Italy), Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Liège (Belgium), Franche-Comté (France), Kasetsart (Thailand), Sao-Paolo (Brazil) and Padova (Italy).

For teaching, Maryam Ghandchi Tehrani was awarded two teaching grants from Higher Education Academy in the UK. She lead several modules including, Linear Systems, Electronics, Drives and Control at undergraduate level and Active Control module at MSc level. She has significant experience in international teaching. She for example taught an intensive course in Engineering in Malaysian Campus (USMC) in the city of Johor Bahru for the last six years. At the Faculty of Science and Engineering she mainly will be involved in teaching vibration and control modules in the MSc Mechanical Engineering degree programme.

We warmly welcome Maryam within the ENTEG community and are looking forward collaborating with her.

Last modified:11 June 2021 12.40 p.m.
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