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Introducing our new scientific staff member Jingxiu Xie

02 October 2020

On 1st October, dr. ir. Jingxiu Xie started as a tenure-track assistant professor (sectorplan Chemistry - Rosalind Franklin fellow) in ENTEG. Her new research line on heterogenous catalysis for gas conversion is part of the Green Chemical Reaction Engineering group chaired by Prof. dr. H. J. (Erik) Heeres.

Dr Jingxiu Xie
Dr Jingxiu Xie

Jingxiu Xie attained her Bachelors in Applied Chemistry from National University of Singapore in 2010. She accepted a scholarship from Eindhoven University of Technology to study her Masters in Chemical Engineering, and graduated cum laude in 2012. Her PhD research in the group of prof. dr. ir. Krijn de Jong (Utrecht University) focused on Fischer-Trospch to Olefins and resulted in 2017 in her thesis titled ‘Catalyst Design and Development for the direct production of Lower Olefins from Synthesis Gas’. From 2017 to 2019, she was an industrial post-doctoral researcher at BasCat, a UniCat BASF Jointlab in Berlin. In Berlin she focused on developing and testing novel oxide and phosphate materials for the selective C-H activation of lower alkanes. A second postdoc at University of Oslo in the group of Prof. dr. Unni Olsbye was on developing zeolites/zeotypes for the direct conversion of CO2 to lower olefins via methanol.

Jingxiu Xie’s expertise lies in the synthesis and evaluation of catalytic performance of solid catalysts, with a special focus on using fixed-bed micro-reactors to gain mechanistic insights. Synthesis methods provide options to design and develop catalysts with tailor-made properties and this allows structure-performance relationships of catalysts to be established. She had been responsible for test rigs ranging from high-throughput parallel reactor set-ups to single reactor advanced kinetic set-ups (steady state isotopic kinetic analysis, co-feed transients and tapered element oscillating microbalance).

We warmly welcome Jingxiu in ENTEG institute and are looking forward collaborating with her.

Last modified:17 October 2020 3.02 p.m.
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