Anastasiia Krushynska appointed associate professor in Materials Engineering and Wave Dynamics

We are proud to announce that dr Anastasiia O. Krushynska has been granted promotion by the Executive Board of our University to associate professor in Materials Engineering and Wave Dynamics.
Dr. Krushynska completed her Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics at the Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. She furthered her expertise with postdoctoral research at the University of Torino and the Technical University of Eindhoven. She has established herself as a prominent researcher in the fields of metamaterials, phononics, and wave dynamics. Her research exploits: (1) fundamental relations between materials and their architecture (precisely controlled structure on larger than atomic or molecular scales) and (2) the development of metamaterials for various applications, including acoustic and elastic wave control, medicine, robotics, and fluid flows.
Dr. Krushynska has published more than 45 papers in leading international journals, including Advanced Functional Materials, Physical Review Letters, Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, New Journals of Physics, Scientific Reports, etc., and has two patents. She received several individual fellowships and Young Researcher’s awards, serves as an associate editor and guest editor in several journals, as a reviewer for more than 60 journals and three international conferences. She is a Committee Member and Remote Evaluator for national and international funding agencies, including European Commission, Dutch Funding Agency, Swiss National Science Foundation, and French National Research Agency.
Congratulations with your promotion Anastasiia!
Laatst gewijzigd: | 20 juli 2024 21:23 |
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