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Research Energy Conversion

Prof. P.V. Aravind keynote speaker at the second international conference on sustainable energy solutions for a better tomorrow

From:Fr 23-07-2021
Until:Sa 24-07-2021

The main objective of this International Conference on Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Better Tomorrow (SESBT 2021) is to provide a platform to researchers and practitioners from both academic institutions and industries to meet and share cutting-edge developments in the areas of sustainable energy and associated disciplines.

This conference also provides an opportunity to exchange research evidence and innovative ideas and also the challenges in achieving sustainable energy. SESBT 2021 will include presentations on the latest research on Carbon Neutrality, Electric & Hybrid Vehicles, Green & Energy Efficient Buildings, Sustainable Computing, Energy Storage, Computational Models for Energy Systems, Advanced Cryo Techniques, Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Energy Systems, Thermal System Optimization and Renewable Energy.

This conference will also gather an excellent group of keynote speakers from around the globe who will share their latest research findings among the above mentioned conference themes. One of these keynote speakers and chairs is Prof. Aravind.

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