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NAASE working paper series

Datum:01 september 2016

The North American Association of Sports Economist (NAASE) would like to invite anyone who is interested to submit a working paper to the NAASE Working Paper Series. The Working Paper Series is a great place to post papers that are in the process of being prepared for submission to an academic journal, as well as being an outlet to display the research that you are currently working on. To submit a working paper to the series, please send an email to the co-editors Nick Watanabe (nmwatana and Brian Soebbing (brian.soebbing with the most recent copy of the manuscript. Please submit manuscripts in Word Document format, and include a title page, abstract, as well as contact information and affiliation for all authors.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either of the co-editors. To look at the working paper series, please click on the following link:

Tags: papers
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