Call for papers: Multidisciplinary conference on the economic relations and embedded cultural perspectives between EU and Japan
University of Tartu and Estonian Business School invite PhD and MA students to the multidisciplinary conference on the economic relations and cultural influence factors between the EU and Japan on October 14-15, 2021.
The conference focuses on the economic relations and the role of culture between the EU and Japan. It aims to celebrate the 100 years of communication and relations with Estonia, and to discuss future perspectives of the economic relations between the aforementioned counterparts, while specifically concentrating on the importance of culture and communication in the international business in promoting the economic relations.
Cultural factors and experiences play an important role in expanding the relations and marketing one´s own products on the target markets. Interest in entering to the Japanese market is growing steadily in Europe, although the trade relations are often considered as challenging because of the specific legal requirements and other issues.
The conference organizers invite PhD and MA students to send abstracts addressing all the relevant themes, especially:
• European/Estonian trade and business relations with Japan
• Organizational governance/ organizational culture in Japan
• Marketing in Japan and the EU trade with East Asia
• Role of culture in marketing and economic cooperation between the EU and Japan
• Understanding the Japanese culture and mindset in mutual relations
The abstracts should be at least 300 words but not exceeding 500 words, in English, and submitted by August 30, 2021, via main organizer email ( Authors whose abstracts are approved have the possibility to present their work. The presentation should be up to 20 minutes and each presenter receives feedback from the organizers and other participants.
The organizers will provide certificates of attendance to those who participate the full programme, and is also seeking an opportunity to publish selected research papers based on the presented paper at the conference in a special edition of the peer reviewed journal.
The organizers plan to provide the opportunity to participate at the conference both via online and face-to-face.
Further information.
Registration deadline is September 15, 2021.
Register here.

Laatst gewijzigd: | 22 april 2024 13:46 |
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