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Onderzoek Centre for East Asian Studies Groningen

Program Reconnect roundtable, 24 November 2023

14 november 2023

CEASG ReConnect roundtable:
European Union and China after Covid19:
Derisking, decoupling or doubling down?

Friday 24 November 2023
Location: University of Groningen, Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society,
Old Court Room, Oude Boteringestraat 38, 9712 GK Groningen,
+31 50 363 8017 (reception)

Dr. Laurens Hemminga; l.c.a.hemminga (coordinator)
Dr. Tjalling Halbertsma; t.h.f.halbertsma (CEASG)

Livestream: Please request a link by emailing CEASG: ceasg


09:00-09:30 Coffee and tea

09:30-09:45 Welcome and introduction of CEASG by Roundtable coordinator dr. Laurens Hemminga

Introduction on ReConnect China by Prof. Dr. Bart Dessein (Ghent University)

Panel 1: Political relations between the EU and China
Chair: Prof. dr. Jan van der Harst (UoG)

09:45-10:05 1. Dr. Joris Teer (HCSS) on weaponized interdependence and security of critical inputs.
10:05-10:25 2. Dr. Herman Voogsgeerd (UoG) on system friction v. system rivalry in EU-China relations.
10:25-10:45 3. Dr. Lukas Linsi (UoG): Mapping European and Chinese corporate empires in an era of renewed geopolitical rivalry.
10:45-11:15 Q&A and discussion.

11:15- 11:45 Coffee break

Panel 2: China’s economic policies and EU-China mutual perspectives
Chair: Dr. Laurens Hemminga (UoG)

11:45-12:05 4: Prof. Dr. Bart Dessein: Why China’s looming middle income trap is worrying for the EU.
12:05-12:25 5: Mr. Yue Wang (MA) (Tampere University) on Chinese investment regulations.
12:25-12:45 6: Dr. Frank Gaenssmantel (UoG): Level playing field and de-risking in the EU’s discourse on economic engagement with China and EU-China relations in the context of Russia’s war on Ukraine.
12:45-13:15 Q&;A and discussion.

13:15-14:45 Lunch at Corps de Garde,
Oude Boteringestraat 74, 9712 GN Groningen

Panel 3: European companies and the business environment in China
Chair: Dr. Frank Gaenssmantel

14:45-15:05 7: Dr. Frans-Paul van der Putten (ChinaGeopolitics): European companies with direct investments in China as a factor in EU-China-US geopolitical relations.
15:05-15:25 8: Dr. Cristina Pinna (UoG) & Ms. Lin Goethals (EAIS) on migration of European expats from China.
15:25-15:40 Q&A and discussion

15:40- 16:00 Coffee break

16:00-16:20 9: Ms. Floriske Deutman (MSc)(DBSP Consultants): doing business in China after Covid.
16:20-16:40 10: Dr. Gerdien Meijerink (CPB) on the risks and benefits to the Netherlands of economic interdependence with China.
16:40-16:55 Q&A and discussion.

16:55-17:05 Closing remarks and follow up by Prof. dr. Jan van der Harst and Prof. Dr. Bart Dessein.

18:00- Dinner for participants and ReConnect guests: Hock Sieng,
Vismarkt 28, Groningen

Laatst gewijzigd:21 november 2023 11:31
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