Call for papers: Special Issue JSIE
Special Issue of Journal of Studies in International Education: Rethinking EU-China Higher Education Cooperation in a Dynamic Global Environment
The need for global solutions to world problems such as climate change, food security, and ongoing global health issues; megatrends such as digitalization and artificial intelligence and the global impact of geopolitical tensions such as the war in Ukraine, highlight the importance of international cooperation. Academic collaboration is a driving force behind the advancement of scientific knowledge that offers potential solutions to such challenges. This special issue will explore the intricate and dynamic landscape of higher education cooperation between the European Union (EU), including its member states, and China, in the midst of an increasingly interconnected, rapidly changing global environment.
While the main focus of this special issue is on EU-China higher education cooperation, its ultimate goal is to better understand how higher education cooperation between the EU, EU member states, and China may impact other political and economic powers, such as, for example, the USA, Canada and Australia and also India, Brazil and Russia. Hence we welcome contributions that examine the various forms of EU-China higher education cooperation, explore the dynamics at play within them and analyse how those dynamics influence or are influenced by broader global alliances.
There is already a significant volume of literature on EU-China higher education cooperation in fields including empirical research, policy analysis and conceptual framework building. However most of these studies, including a special issue on ‘China-Europe Higher Education Cooperation: Opportunities and Challenges’ published by Frontiers of Education in China in 2019, focus on the development of the cooperation prior to the latest dramatic period of change. It is important, given the scale and ongoing impact of recent events across the world, to critically re-examine the underlying assumptions, goals, strategies and practices of EU-China higher education cooperation; to explore the challenges and opportunities of this mega collaboration for both groups, as well as the potential impact it may have on other parts of the world.
- Considering this, we invite original research articles, conceptual papers, and case studies addressing, for example, the following:
- Analysis of contemporary EU-China higher education cooperation models, frameworks and policies and the influence of the historical, political, and cultural context of their development
- Dynamics, trends and challenges in EU-China higher education cooperation in today’s complex and changing global environment
- The impact of EU-China higher education cooperation on the internationalisation of higher education and international education across the world
- How current and emerging global issues influence higher education cooperation between the EU, EU member states and China and the wider EU-China strategic partnership
- How security, academic freedom and knowledge sharing issues are balanced in EU-China academic partnerships and collaborations
- Challenges and opportunities for higher education institutions in the EU, EU member states and China seeking to cooperate on science and technology innovation in the current rapidly evolving global environment
- Comparative analyses of contemporary higher education models, frameworks and policies of cooperation between the EU, EU member states and China with those of other regions and countries
- Other related topics
Submission Guidelines
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should be prepared according to the JSIE author guidelines and submitted through the online submission system. All papers will be peer-reviewed.
The timeline of this special issue is as follows:
• 31 October 2023: Expression of interest, abstract (around 800-1000 words) submission by email to the guest editors
• 30 November 2023: Notification of invitation/rejection. Guest editors provide recommendations for further paper development for invited abstracts (This does not guarantee publication in the special issue, but rather an invitation to submit.)
• 29 February 2024: Submission of the full manuscript to JSIE through the Scholar One system. Manuscripts will be for sent out for blind peer review, managed by the editors through the Scholar One system
• From April 2024: Reviewed papers will be published online as they are accepted
• December 2024: Publication of the complete special issue
Submission site
Guest Editors
Dr.Yuzhuo Cai
Senior lecturer and Adjunct professor
Higher Education Group, Faculty of Management and Business, Tampere University
Dr. Cristina Pinna
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow
Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen
Dr.Marijk van der Wende
Professor of Higher Education
Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance, Utrecht University
Please note
To provide a platform for potential contributors to this special issue to actively participate and share their insights, the editors are organizing a half-day Special Session in collaboration with the China and Higher Education Conference 2023, which will take place at the University of Manchester (December 13, 2023). For the specific details to participate in the workshop, please refer to ChinaHE23.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Cristina Pinna c.pinna
Last modified: | 15 August 2023 2.19 p.m. |
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