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Research Centre for East Asian Studies Groningen

Winter School | Understanding the Netherlands: Success Factors of a Medium-Sized Economy

From:Su 20-01-2019
Until:Sa 02-02-2019
Where:University of Groningen

From 20 January - 2 February CEASG/GSG organizes a winter school for students from Korea at the University of Groningen.

The aim of this Winter School is to develop an understanding of how the Netherlands, as a medium-sized country, has been able to maintain high welfare levels in a region domi- nated by (regional) international powers such as Germany, France and the UK. Specialisation and flexibility, both in politics and the economy, seem to characterise this position. From a Korean perspective, Korea being surrounded by powerful economies such as China and Japan, there may be valuable lessons to be learned from the Dutch experience.

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