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Research Centre for East Asian Studies Groningen

SG Lecture Series: Murakami Music Box

From:We 03-04-2019
Until:Th 04-04-2019
Where:Grand Theatre, Grote Markt 35, Groningen

Music plays an important role in the work of the world-famous writer Haruki Murakami. During this mini festival, music and literature come together in a special mix of short lectures, musical performances and surprising introductions to Japanese culture.


Music plays an important role in the work of the world-famous writer Haruki Murakami. During this mini festival, music and literature come together in a special mix of short lectures, musical performances and surprising introductions to Japanese culture.

Emile Wennekes, Auke Hulst, Keiko Shichijo and more
Datum: Woensdag 3 april 2019 - 19:30
Locatie: Grand Theatre, Grote Markt 35, Groningen
Tickets: €17,50 / €12,50,- for students and with SG-card / Festival ticket: €30,- / €20,-

What’s the role of music in the work of the mysterious writer Haruki Murakami?


Murakami overbrugt in zijn werk de kloof tussen Oost en West. Haruki Murakami-vertaler Luk Van Haute en filosoof Ype de Boer spreken over de Oosterse en Westerse levensthema’s in de boeken van Murakami. Met optredens van drie virtuoze solisten van Musikfabrik uit Keulen en componist / dj Yu Oda en het Kamerorkest van het Noorden.
I.s.m. Soundsofmusic.
Luk Van Haute, Ype de Boer, Musikfabrik, Yu Oda / KvhN
Datum: Donderdag 4 april 2019 - 19:30
Locatie: Grand Theatre, Grote Markt 35, Groningen
Tickets: €17,50 / €12,50,- studenten en met SG-kaart | Festival ticket: €30,- / €20,-

Welke oosterse en westerse invloeden kunnen we ontdekken in het werk van Haruki Murakami?

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Studium Generale Groningen

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