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Research Centre for East Asian Studies Groningen Blogs and Postcards
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Decision to leave

The Forum: an unexpected window into Korean movies

Date:29 November 2022
Author:Monica Gambaro
The Forum: an unexpected window into Korean movies

It is complicated…

Date:10 May 2022
Author:Louisa Thomas 

The pope, the Holy See, Vatican City, and the catholic church are all intrinsically linked to each other. One cannot exist without the other and some just came to existence because of the other. That the pope is the head of the catholic church is well...

Cybersecurity: To care or not to care, that is the question

Date:10 May 2022
Author:Louisa Thomas 

Malware, ransomware, phishing emails, and encryption are words that every one of us is confronted with once we open up our laptops or connect to the internet. Most often we simply ignore the push notifications containing these words that are sent to us by...

Blog-listing: movies, documentaries and podcasts

Date:19 April 2022
Author:Louisa Thomas 
Louisa Thomas, student intern at CEASG, compiled a blog-listing of movies, documentaries and podcasts to 'initiate discussion between people of different backgrounds'.

Taiwan: what’s in a name? 

Date:29 March 2022
Author:Louisa Thomas 

What’s in a name? It seems everything and nothing is encompassed in it. A name is an important part of one’s identity, it is one of the first things another person learns about another person, and even though it is an important part it is not static. A...

The Great Wall of China

2019 Tsinghua International Summer School - Experiencing China

Date:27 August 2019
Author:Thomas Veenstra

This year I had the fortune of being one of the 200 participants of a summer school hosted by Tsinghua University in Beijing. I received the scholarship provided to me by Tsinghua University through the University of Groningen. This summer school was aimed...

Korean vending machine

Korean vending machines: pork belly, dried flowers and foreign subway tickets

Date:29 April 2019

Vending machines, if you ask me, provide a window on a country’s cultural priorities. They ensure, after all, access to goods which are deemed to be so vital that they should be available around the clock, everyday of the year. They are indeed my favorite...


Busiest air route in the world? Take a wild guess…

Date:04 October 2018

Visiting one of the foundations supporting CEASG this week, I had the dubious honor to fly the busiest air route in the world. Any clue which route I am writing about? According to the South China Morning Post of Hongkong, some 65 thousand flights shuttled...

Claire Defossez

Building bridges in the common fight against international terrorism

Date:24 May 2018
Author:Claire Defossez, MA student East Asian Studies

The attacks on three churches in Indonesia last week are a reminder that international terrorism is unfortunately still very much a problem today. It also underlines its international nature. Whereas after the subsequent attacks in Paris left people with...

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