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Research Centre for Religious Studies Research Centres CRASIS

Ancient World Seminar: Mladen Popovic (RUG) – “The Dead Sea Scrolls and Models of Textual Communities in the Ancient Mediterranean”

When:Mo 10-04-2017 16:15 - 17:30
Where:Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies (Oude Boteringestraat 38), room 130

[Abstract will be updated soon]

Mladen Popović , Professor Old Testament and Early Judaism and Director of the Qumran Institute at the University of Groningen, is a leading specialist in the history and literature of Second Temple Judaism, especially Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls. In 2013-2014 he was guest curator for the Drents Museum in Assen on account of the exhibition on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Popović is currently working on two research projects: the ERC-funded "The Hands that Wrote the Bible: Digital Paleography and Scribal Culture of the Dead Sea Scrolls" and the NWO/FWO funded "Models of Textual Communities and Digital Palaeography of the Dead Sea Scrolls."

From September 2017 onwards Popović will be dean of the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Groningen.

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