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Research Centre for Religious Studies Research Centres Centre for Religion, Conflict and Globalization
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Let’s do away with the religion/secular divide

Date:31 July 2014
Author:Religion Factor
In the third and final piece in our series on “Religion, Secularism and Multiple Modernities in Europe”, Professor of Secularization Studies, Herman Paul, argues that the religious/secular divide is unhelpful for thinking about the realities of human existence and should be done away with.

Consolation—A prism for analysing modernity

Date:29 July 2014
Author:Religion Factor
In the second instalment for our series reflecting on Religion, Secularism and Multiple Modernities in Europe, Christoph Jedan considers what our practices of grief and consolation, considered in historical context, can reveal about the nature of modernity. 

How “Modern” are We? Religion, Secularism, and Multiple Modernities in Europe

Date:28 July 2014
Author:Religion Factor
On 13 June 2014, esteemed sociologist of religion Professor Jose Casanova received an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Groningen. During his visit, the Faculty hosted a roundtable discussion on conceptions of religion, secularism and modernity in contemporary European identity, raising questions over exactly what it means to be “modern”, “secular”, “religious” and “European”.

The Human Face of Climate Change

Date:21 July 2014
Author:Religion Factor
Climate change continues to be one of the most controversial global issues of our time, with debates ranging from the best ways to respond to the challenges of climate change, especially for those who are most vulnerable to its effects, to whether it is even happening at all and who is responsible.

ISIS’ Caliphate and Intra-jihadist Struggles for Authority

Date:08 July 2014
Author:Religion Factor
On Sunday 29 June, the first day of Ramadan 2014, ISIS announced the restoration of the caliphate. From now on, its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is “the caliph for Muslims everywhere”, the message states, adding that the name of the organisation, The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, becomes simply The Islamic State.

The Religious/Secular Divide and the Global Displacement Crisis

Date:20 June 2014
Author:Religion Factor
Today is World Refugee Day and if the numbers released by the UNHCR today tell us anything, more action and new approaches are urgently needed to address the needs of the rapidly growing globally displaced population.

Ways of Life and Freedom of Religion

Date:11 June 2014
Author:Religion Factor
Religious Freedom is rapidly becoming a high priority issue in the EU and elsewhere. In today’s post, Frank Ubachs explores some of these developments, particularly in relation to the Netherlands...

A Matter of Conscience? Abortion Access and Conscientious Objection in the European Union

Date:20 May 2014
Author:Religion Factor
Religious freedom is becoming an increasingly significant issue in the European Union. Last year saw the adoption of the EU Guidelines on Freedom of Religion or Belief, and governments such as the Netherlands, the UK, France and Germany are placing renewed emphasis on religious freedom in their foreign policy.

The UN Refugee Convention 60 Years On – Time to Rethink Approaches to Protection?

Date:25 April 2014
Author:Religion Factor
This week marks the 60thanniversary of the coming into force of the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. Much has changed since the Convention was initially drafted, signed and ratified by states.

Believing and Belonging

Date:23 April 2014
Author:Religion Factor
Next week, Professor Simon Glendinning from the London School of Economics will give a talk on “Derrida and the Question of Religion Today” as part of the Centre for Religion, Conflict and the Public Domain Seminar Series.