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Research Centre for Religious Studies Research Centres CRASIS Organisation

What is CRASIS?


CRASIS is a platform for the study of antiquity and brings together experts in the Graeco-Roman world and Near Eastern studies —Classical Greece, the Hellenistc world, the Roman Empire, Judaism, Christanity and Islam — at the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society of the University of Groningen and the Protestant Theological University. Its aim is to advance interdisciplinary study of the interplay between culture, religion and society in antiquity.

  • CRASIS brings together staff and (PhD) students from the departments of Ancient History, Classics, Ancient Judaism & Early Christianity, Archaeology, Roman Law and Ancient Philosophy.
  • As a research institute, CRASIS organizes the monthly Ancient World Seminar in which work (in progress) of staff, advanced students and guest speakers is discussed.
  • CRASIS provides a stimulus for interdisciplinary research through its CRASIS Annual Meeting on a topic relevant for the study of culture, religion and society in the ancient world. A keynote speaker is invited to hold the Annual CRASIS Lecture and give a Masterclass for (Research) MA and PhD students.
  • CRASIS renders visible the large amount of teaching on Graeco-Roman Antiquity in the respective faculties and departments, endorses interdisciplinary courses, and organizes seminars and reading groups.

CRASIS is a partnership between the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society and receives funding from the Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG), the Centre for Religious Studies (CRS) and the Groningen Institute for Archaeology (GIA).

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Last modified:03 March 2025 01.59 a.m.