NVBMB symposium

2017 NVBMB symposium
G-protein and kinase signaling in Disease
Date: June 19 2017
Location: University of Groningen, Energy building, Nijenborgh 6, Groningen
Preliminary program
10.30 Registration, coffee
11.00 Welcome
11.20 Dr. Fritz Herberg , University of Kassel, "Functional implications of disease-related kinase mutations"
11.50 Dr. Holger Rehmann , University Medical Centrum Utrecht, “cAMP, small G-proteins and maybe more”
12.20 Dr. Alfred Wittinghofer , MPI Dortmund, "Regulation of cargo sorting by the Arf-related proteins Arl2/3"
12.50 Lunch
13.50 Dr. Peter van Haastert , University of Groningen, "Historic perspectives of Roco proteins"
14.20 Dr. Wim Versees , Free University of Brussels, “New insights in the nucleotide-dependent conformational cycle of the Roc-COR module”
14.50 Dr. Hardy Rideout, Biomedical Research Foundation, Athens, " The kinase activity of mutant LRRK2 manifests differently in heterodimeric vs homodimeric complexes"
15.20 Coffee/Tea
15.45 Dr. Christian Ottmann , Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, "Small-molecule stabilization of 14-3-3 Protein-Protein Interactions"
16.15 Dr. Johannes Gloeckner, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases Tübingen, “Functional analysis of the PD-drug target LRRK2 -- lessons from biochemistry combined with structural modelling”
16.45 Dr. Arjan Kortholt, University of Groningen, " Biochemical and structural characterization of the Roco family of proteins"
17.15 Closing remarks and reception
Participation is free, please register (lunch!) at https://www.rug.nl/research/gbb/nvbmb
Last modified: | 02 April 2019 11.41 a.m. |