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Research Bernoulli Institute Calendar

SCO Seminar - Marieke Heidema, University of Groningen

When:Th 07-03-2024 15:00 - 16:00
Where:5159.0010 Energy Academy

Title: System Identification using Energy-Bounded Noise Models: A Full Characterization of Chebyshev Centers and Radii


This presentation covers our recent research results on the identification of linear time-invariant systems using noisy input-output data in a set-membership framework. It is assumed that the noise sequence belongs to a bounded set, induced by a quadratic matrix inequality, that allows for capturing various energy-bounded noise models. In this framework, the identification problem is to find an estimation for the true system so that the worst-case estimation error with respect to a given norm is minimized. For such a problem, we present closed-form solutions with respect to arbitrary unitarily invariant matrix norms. Examples of these norms include the Frobenius norm, spectral norm, Schatten p-norms, and Ky Fan k-norms.

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