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Research Bernoulli Institute Calendar

Colloquium Mathematics - David Nolte, MSc (University of Groningen & University of Chile)

When:Mo 23-09-2019 09:30 - 10:30
Where:Lecture room 3 (Academy Building)

Title: Hemodynamic analysis based on biofluid models and MRI velocity measurements


Blood velocity distributions within large vessels can be measured with
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In the clinical practice, the local variation in the blood pressure is an important diagnostic indicator and can be obtained invasively by means of catheterization. Non-invasive techniques for measuring the distribution of blood pressure are not yet available.
However, the physical relationship between the blood velocity and the pressure, the Navier-Stokes equations, allows estimating the (relative) blood pressure from velocity measurements by solving an inverse problem.
Depending on the data (full 3D ROI or 2D slices), different techniques are available. In this talk, two direct methods for estimating pressuremaps from 3D velocity data is compared for phantom and patient data, regarding accuracy and sensitivity to the image quality.
Data assimilation techniques allow to combine a numerical model with  partial measurements. We will furthermore present a framework for recovering full velocity and pressure fields from noisy velocity data given on 2D slices with poor resolution. The issue of errors induced by inaccurately segmented vessels is highlighted and a method to compensate such errors, using slip/transpiration boundary conditions, is presented.
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