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Research Bernoulli Institute Calendar

Colloquium Computer Science: Prof. Danilo Mandic, Imperial University London

When:Mo 04-12-2017 16:00 - 17:00
Where:5161.0105 (Bernoulliborg)

Title: Complexity Science for Physiological Recordings: A Way to Assess the State of Body and Mind


Complex physical and biological systems are characterised by a large number of degrees of freedom and inherent adaptability. When it comes to living organisms, the complexity loss theory states that organisms under constraints (ageing, illness) exhibit loss of complexity of their physiological responses, (cf. loss of degrees of freedom for physical systems). This framework has created a paradigm shift in the way we approach (structural) health of dynamic systems, but critically depends on the estimation of entropy. Probability and entropy are notoriously difficult to estimate from real world noisy and no stationary data, and we need to resort to practical entropy estimators suitable for this purpose. This talk will cover some new developments in complexity science, based on nonparametric entropy estimators, such as Multivariate Multiscale Sample Entropy (MMSE), and will illuminate how this can be used to assess the state of body and mind of humans (ageing, fatigue, stress), or degree of their recovery from illness. A novel algorithm will be presented which considers long term correlations as a signature of complexity (as opposed to the classic uncertainty) and its benefits will be illustrated over several examples in a system identification setting. The applications of complexity science presented in this talk include examples ranging from visual perception through to cardiovascular health.


Danilo P. Mandic is a Professor in signal processing with Imperial College London, UK, and has been working in the areas of adaptive signal processing and bioengineering. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, member of the Board of Governors of International Neural Networks Society (INNS), member of the Big Data Chapter within INNS and member of the IEEE SPS Technical Committee on Signal Processing Theory and Methods. He has received five best paper awards in Brain Computer Interface, runs the Smart Environments Lab at Imperial, and has more than 300 publications in journals and conferences. Prof Mandic has received the President Award for Excellence in Postgraduate Supervision at Imperial.

Colloquium coordinators are Prof.dr. M. Aiello (e-mail : M.Aiello ) and Prof.dr. M. Biehl (e-mail: M.Biehl )

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