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Research Bernoulli Institute Calendar

Colloquium Computer Science - Prof. C.N. Schizas University of Syprus

When:Th 13-02-2020 14:30 - 15:10
Where:5161.0267 Bernoulliborg

Title: CY-Biobank Research and Innovation Center of Excellence in Biobanking and Biomedical Research Next generation biomedical research


The genetic investigation of diseases and eHealth are a priority of the Smart Specialization Strategy of Cyprus. The strategy can best be served by creating a Centre of Excellence (CoE) with two pillars: a) A contemporary Biobank research infrastructure that incorporates eHealth; b) a state-of-the-art research facility to support the Cyprus Human Genome Project and drive translational research, focused on genetic diseases, thus enhancing the European Research Area. Biobanks are organized collections of medical records and biospecimens, aimed to support biomedical research, serving as repositories and distribution centres. Biobanking and genomics infrastructures in Cyprus are lagging behind of European levels, thus limiting the prospects for research and innovation potential. The CY-Biobank shall upgrade the existing infrastructure, implementing high standard procedures and quality management systems for safeguarding data and material of the highest trustworthiness, for downstream investigations. The CoE will embrace the entire research community of Cyprus and serve as an incubator for innovative ideas and as a tertiary medical and educational institute for the rare monogenic and frequent complex disorders, aimed at better patient care and precision medicine. The CY-Biobank will adopt a patient-centric approach showing respect to sensitive ethical, legal and social issues, with the involvement of all stakeholders in the medical and patients’ communities. The CoE aspires also to play a broader role by forming the MediEuro Network with countries in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, thus complementing efforts for bridging EU to this part of the world. We aspire to create a contemporary Biobank and a research environment aimed at precision medicine. Key components are continuous education, research and innovation, aimed to serve the patients. The ultimate sacred purpose of the CY-Biobank project is to make the link between the dramatic picture of the affected individual-the patient as a human macro-entity-and the patient as a molecular biological micro-entity. The next feat is the prevention or correction of the molecular malady through translational research and precision medicine. The genetic investigation of diseases is largely contingent on access to patients, their medical data and biological material. The upgrade of our Biobank will serve this demand most effectively, empowering approaches that include molecular and medical genetics, systems biology and translational research. This will then lead to the development of better diagnostics and prevention mechanisms, promotion of better health care and active/healthy ageing. Also, eHealth will create an electronic health care system that incorporates the citizen health record and development of databases that will enable datamining and conclusions based on the extraction of real vital statistics.


Life Senior Member IEEE, Fellow BCS. Professor of Computational Intelligence – University of Cyprus. His research interests include eHealth, computational intelligence, medical informatics, diagnostic and prognostic systems, and system modeling & identification of brain activity. He has taken part in European Commission initiatives for promoting the Information Society, especially the Euro-Mediterranean partnership and the eHealth initiatives. In April of 2016 he has been appointed by the President of the Republic of Cyprus as Presidential Counselor for eHealth and matters related to the national health system reform. In October 2019 he was appointed by the Council of Ministers as Executive Chairman of the newly established National eHealth Authority for implementing the eHealth Law in Cyprus.

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