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Research Bernoulli Institute Calendar

Colloquium Computer Science Simon Isele MSc and Sascha Saralajew MSc - Porsche AG Germany

When:Tu 12-11-2019 16:30 - 17:30
Where:5161.0293 Bernoulliborg

Title: Aspects of Autonomous and automated driving R&D at Porsche AG


Research in autonomous and automated driving is a major topic in the automotive industry and poses challenging technical problems in the data-driven (software) engineering. Automation technology, robotics, image processing, cutting-edge sensor data fusion and processing, machine learning and other IT-prone topics altogether grow into new car related driver assistance functions.

To give an insight of the engineering proceedings in this area at Porsche AG, research projects and challenges of exemplary research will be presented in this talk.

This will be presented by two PhD students by presenting their research topics and findings in robotics approaches, localization and interpretation of neural networks. Additionally graduate students from Groningen will also present challenges and findings of their research projects at Porsche AG.

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