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Research Bernoulli Institute Calendar

Colloquium Computer Science: Prof. dr. C.S. Pattichis (CS, University of Cyprus)

When:Fr 22-06-2018 16:00 - 17:00
Where:5161.0267 (Bernoulliborg), Nijenborgh 9, Groningen

Title: Quantitative Imaging for Precision Medicine

This presentation introduces how quantitative imaging can be exploited within the context of precision medicine. It provides a brief overview of selected studies that have been conducted under the precision medicine initiative in the U.S.A, exploiting the joint processing of imaging, genomics, and clinical data. More specifically, radiogenomics approaches that have been performed for breast invasive carcinoma, describing key technologies and outcomes, while highlighting future directions will be presented.

Colloquium coordinators are Prof.dr. D. Karastoyanova and Prof. dr. M. Biehl.

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