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Research Bernoulli Institute Calendar

Colloquium Computer Science: Dr. J. Lee (Innopolis University, Russia)

When:Tu 19-06-2018 11:35 - 12:20
Where:5161.0165 (Bernoulliborg), Nijenborgh 9, Groningen

Title: A Hybrid Trust Management Framework for Vehicular Social Networks

Abstract: The distinctive feature for VANET lies in its extremely high mobility and constantly changing topology. As a fully distributed network, VANET can work properly only if all the participating vehicles cooperate during communications. Based on the continuous exchange of both periodic and event triggered messages, smart vehicles can enhance road safety, sharing information about road conditions, providing support for comfort applications. However, due to the lack of centralized infrastructure, an individual vehicle might be uncooperative or even malicious for its own benefits. As far as the vehicles are equipped with the ability to communicate, the need to develop trust between vehicles is crucial. Trust is referred to as the ability of an agent to accept, with confidence, information from another vehicle (agent).

If the messages are not trustworthy, then the relationship between any given agents are futile and even harmful. Therefore, developing means of secure and trustful communications for Vehicular Social Networks (VSN) is essential to enable active information sharing among vehicles. Reputation based trust management system is a popular security mechanism used in vehicular networks and proven to be robust in many other applications. We propose a similarity-based bootstrapping method using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for trust management in VSN. Then we introduce a reputation mechanism that takes into account, the user behaviors as well as historic features such as the total distance driven.

Colloquium coordinators are Prof.dr. D. Karastoyanova and Prof. dr. M. Biehl.

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