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Research Bernoulli Institute Calendar

Colloquium Computer Science - Dr. D. Taibi

When:We 05-12-2018 16:00 - 17:00
Where:5161.0267 (Zernike, Bernoulliborg)

Technical Debt and Cloud Architecture

During this colloquium I will introduce our two main research topics: Technical Debt and Cloud Software Engineering.
Companies are investing a relevant effort in keeping the technical debt under control, hoping to improve the software quality or to reduce the maintenance effort. In the last year, we investigated which component of the Code  Technical debt is actually harmful (i.e. impact negatively on some software quality) based on the data collected on more than 40 open source projects. I will also present the TD dataset collected in the last years, containing more than 100K commits of Apache Software Foundation projects.
As for microservices, they are increasing their popularity in industry, being adopted by several big players such as Netflix, Spotify, Amazon and many others and several companies are now following the trend, migrating their systems to microservices. However, they are not the silver bullet, and several companies are migrating to microservices hoping to achieve different benefits. In this seminar, I  will introduce the motivations, issues and benefits of microservices. Moreover, I will discuss about bad patterns adopted by companies and I will present the initial result of a migration framework to evaluate the effectiveness of the migration to microservices.

Short bio:
Davide Taibi is assistant professor (tenure track) of cloud and web engineering at the Tampere University of Technology. His research interests include software quality and cloud migration in continuous architecting processes, supporting companies in migrating to microservice-based architectures while keeping technical debt under control. Before, he was assistant professor at the Free University of Bozen (Italy), post-doc at the University of Kaiserslautern and Fraunhofer IESE, where he replaced prof. Dieter Rombach during his sabbatical year, and Ph.D. at the University of Insubria (Italy) under the supervision of prof. Sandro Morasca.

Colloquium coordinators are Prof.dr. D. Karastoyanova (e-mail: d.karastoyanova and Prof.dr. M. Biehl (e-mail: M.Biehl

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