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Research Bernoulli Institute Calendar

AILo Talk - Ludi van Leeuwen, University of Groningen

When:Tu 28-03-2023 16:00 - 18:00
Where:5161.0041B Bernoulliborg

Title: How should we reason with evidence?


Everyday we reason about our uncertain world by using evidence. In most cases in our lives, the stakes are low. However, in the domain of law, the stakes can be high: a mistake in reasoning with evidence might mean that an innocent person goes to jail or a guilty person walks free. Bayesian Networks have been proposed as a way to formalize reasoning under uncertainty with evidence, as an explicit and normative model in the domain of law. Yet, existing approaches have many problems. In this talk, I will discuss the (mis)use of proposed methods for using Bayesian Networks in criminal law.

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