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Research Bernoulli Institute Calendar

SCO Seminar - Hamin Chang, University of Groningen

When:Tu 03-12-2024 14:00 - 15:00
Where:5161.0293 Bernoulliborg

Title: Inverse dynamics and control: model-based and learning-based approaches


This talk is about design of controllers by using inverse dynamics as the main tool. We begin with an overview of recent advances in disturbance observer, a representative technique in inverse model-based control. Then, we highlight the necessity of inverse learning-based control, which distinguishes itself from conventional learning-based control approaches, in scenarios where reliable system models are unavailable. A framework for inverse learning-based control is proposed and a couple of theoretical guarantees that can be derived from the framework are also discussed. Finally, this talk introduces several future research directions under the framework of inverse learning-based control.

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