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Research Bernoulli Institute Calendar

Colloquium Artificial Inteligence/ Grolog - Ken Satoh National Institute of Informatics Tokyo

When:Mo 29-08-2022 16:00 - 17:00
Where:5161.0222 Bernoulliborg

Title: PROLEG (PROlog-based LEGal reasoning system) and its extensions


Ken Satoh entered law school of University of Talk in 2006 when he encountered "Japanese presupposed ultimate fact theory" which handles uncertainty in litigation to get a decisive judgement. He immediately found the equivalence between this theory and non-monotonic reasoning which he studied for 30 years and developed PROLEG. In this talk, we present the overview of PROLEG system with some demonstration and show some extensions (interactive PROLEG to arrange issue in litigation and application to private international law).

The talk will be followed by a borrel.

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