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Research Research School of Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences Education PhD Training Programme B. Other Courses

1.Ethics of Research and Scientifice Intergrity for researchers (Compulsory course)

Compulsory for BCN PhD students with an appointment at the UMCG, who did not have a scientific integrity module in the research master  
For GBSS PhD students: a similar course: Academic Integrity (0.5 EC) is compulsory
For GSH PhD students: a similar course: Academic Integrity (0.5 EC) is compulsory
For GSSE PhD students: the GSSE training Scientific Integrity (2 EC) is compulsory.


Researchers have developed professional standards designed to enhance the progress of science and to avoid or minimize the difficulties of research. These standards more and more become expressed in formal codes that address issues of interpersonal, professional, institutional, and public responsibility: researchers have an obligation towards their fellow researchers in providing accurate and reliable research; they owe themselves adherence to professional standards to build personal integrity in a research career; they may expect an environment in which research can be conducted in an ethically sound way; finally, researchers have an obligation to act in ways that serve the public.
These high moral standards play a role in all phases of research, from research problem selection, methodology, working with research subjects to issues of international collaboration, commercialization and authorship. 


The aim of the course is to deepen the understanding of and reflection on the problems and tools of research ethics.
The course is designed as an interactive course training the participants to recognize ethical issues in their daily work and discussing opportunities to deal with these. This means that institutional and other tools will be discussed such as the role and functions of Institutional Review Boards, the UMCG protocol and risk-benefit assessments. Topics can range from authorship, fabrication and falsification, mentoring, ethical questions in clinical research, managing research misconduct, tainted data, to ghost writing, peer review, retraction.  


 Understand the principles of scientific integrity and why they are important in research. Be able to identify and avoid common ethical pitfalls in the conduct of scientific research. Understand the role of professional organizations and codes of conduct in promoting scientific integrity. Be able to apply ethical principles to real-world scenarios in scientific research. Understand the consequences of unethical behaviour in science and how to prevent it. 


Collection, use, and interpretation of research data. Methods for reporting and reviewing research plans or findings.-Interaction between researchers, hierarchical relations. Relationships between researchers and those that will be affected by their research. Protection of human subjects. Means for responding to misunderstandings, disputes, or misconduct. Options for promoting ethical conduct in research. Writing an ethical paragraph about research. Resources for additional study on topics related to scientific integrity, responsible conduct of research, and research misconduct. Risk-benefit assessments. Informed consent. Privacy and confidentiality of research subjects and data. The role and functions of Institutional Review Boards. Vulnerable populations. International research conducted in developing countries. Faculty specific topics. 


Writing assignment graded with pass or fail.  


100% attendance is required  

Course structure

The course consists of 6 meetings (90 minutes each): one introductory meeting (large group) and five small-group meetings.  Organized online.


In January and in September will start new courses.  

Small group meetings

Meetings prepared by the participants about topics in scientific integrity, relevant for their own practice, supervised by an experienced researcher. Background material is available in Brightspace.

Credits (with exam)




Last modified:21 August 2024 2.11 p.m.