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Classical Receptions in 20th- and 21st-Century Literature: Global Perspectives

When:Fr 27-01-2023 11:15 - 17:45
Where:Leiden, Oude Sterrewacht Room C002 (Sterrewachtlaan 11)

On this day the OIKOS research group Classical Receptions and Traditions organizes a research meeting about global perspectives on classical reception in modern and contemporary literature.

Please find below the program with excellent speakers, lunch and reception, for which the organizers would like you to register. Please send a brief message (with dietary restrictions if applicable) to Amaranth Feuth.



Welcome by Amaranth Feuth (Leiden) and Maarten De Pourcq (Nijmegen)


Jacqueline Klooster (Groningen), “What's love got to do with it? Apollo and Daphne in the works of Mark Prins, Nina MacLaughlin and Fiona Benson”



12.45- 13.45

Digital Keynote: Emily Greenwood (Princeton), “Classical Philology in the Black Atlantic: Notes from Dionne Brand, Marlene NourbeSe Philip, Toni Morrison, and Derek Walcott”

13.45 - 14.20

Peter Liebregts (Leiden), “Anne Carson’s NOX and the Translation of Mourning”

14.20 - 14.55

Astrid van Weyenberg (Leiden), “African Adaptations of Greek Tragedy: canonical counter-discourse?”

14.55 - 15.15

Coffee/Tea Break


Antje Wessels (Leiden), “The Poet in Exile: Reception of Antiquity in times of censorship”


Amaranth Feuth (Leiden), “Black Men in the Underworld: Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon and Gloria Naylor’s Linden Hills”

